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Legacy Co-op Database

Let us help turn your competitors into vendors

Join the Unstoppable Inventory Network

Our ever-expanding database lessens potential downtime, increases the integrity of your data and can turn competitors into vendors. We map your inventory to our Universal Part Numbering system using manufacturer model numbers and custom specs. When lead-times put you in a bind, we can show you nearby members who may have what you're looking for.


All member accounts are tied to a single physical location (your company’s mailing address). This means multiple storerooms on one property do not qualify as multiple locations. Your warehouse must exist at a separate mailing address to be considered a separate physical location.

All membership types have a regular monthly rate and a discounted rate. Corporations with multiple locations only have to pay the discounted rate for each account. Regular-priced memberships only apply to companies that have one physical location.

Unlimited Use for monthly payments

Tier I - View Only

Single Location: $500

Multiple Locations: $450

Tier II - Contributor

Single Location: $800

Multiple Locations: $720

Tier II - Merchant

Single Location: $1,000

Multiple Locations: $900

Tier III - Contributor

Single Location: $1,300

Multiple Locations: $1,170

Tier III - Merchant

Single Location: $1,500

Multiple Locations: $1,350